Explore the students experience

Library of IGCSE and IAL sample questions to unleash your potential.
Explore the students experience
My IGCSE preparation changed significantly as a result of using the previous exam papers on this website. I was able to understand exactly what the examiners were looking for thanks to the marking schemes. Entering the exam room, I felt so much more prepared and self-assured!

IGCSE Student
I appreciate this website! The past papers for IAL Math were incredibly helpful. Having access to thorough solutions and justifications helped me to fix my errors and advance my problem-solving abilities. Anyone serious about taking their exams should try it!

IAL Mathematics
This website has an amazing collection of IGCSE Chemistry past papers! I can easily identify where I need to concentrate my study efforts because the marking schemes are precise and easy to understand. It has been a really helpful tool for me as I've been revising.

IGCSE Student
The simplicity of accessing the questions and answers on this website was what I cherished the most. It greatly increased the efficiency of my IAL Economics revision. I was able to practice in actual exam settings and see steady improvement because of the high caliber of the materials offered.

IAL Economics
IGCSE Physics was tough for me, but as soon as I started practicing with the past papers available on this website, my performance significantly improved. I was able to better understand how to format my responses to get the most points by using the marking schemes. It was very beneficial!

IGCSE Physics
It was quite stressful to prepare for my IAL exams, but having a large library of practice exams with marking schemes helped. I was able to concentrate on my areas of weakness and methodically get ready for every subject. genuinely a lifesaver!

IAL English Literature